

2048 Uppsatser om Ethical review - Sida 1 av 137

IT-stöd för träning av etisk kompetens

Ethical competence is an important precondition when people are to respond to moral problem situations as efficiently as possible. In these situations it is not easy to make choices and decisions, especially when many stakeholders are involved with various opinions and interests.The purpose of this thesis was to generate a web-based support tool to train and promote ethical competence of the users of this tool.We first created a theoretical basis by studying the major theories of ethics in general and ethical competence in particular. The importance of ethical competence and its main subject, namely, the autonomy in the theoretical part described and specified. In addition has the practical ethical reflection over morality preferred and characterized to the classical ethical passivity over morality. We have also preferred and characterized the autonomous thinking to the heteronomous one.Based on the theoretical base a prototype tool to support the training of ethical competence was designed and developed.

Berättelsen om Ann : etik i Stig Larssons roman Nyår

The aim of this study is to examine if Kenneth, a character in the novel Nyår by Stig Larsson, takes his ethical responsibility for one of the characters that appears in one section of the book, Ann. Nyår has often been related to morality. This study shows that Levinas philosophy of ethics is a supplement to the discussion of morality. According to Levinas, a person that acts in a non-moral way still can act in a righteous ethical way. With this starting point, it is possible to be close to the text and to bring out new perspectives on the novel.

Varumärkning inom B2B : En kvalitativ studie om möjligheter och risker med etisk ingrediensvarumärkning

Branding is becoming increasingly important to companies within the B2B-sector and they put a lot of effort and capital to develop and strengthen their brands. One way of working with brands is through ingredient branding. An ingredient brand is an alliance between two brands where the ingredient brand is applied on a host brand and works as an ingredient on the product. The purpose of ingredient branding is to create competiveness, differentiation and to create quality associations. Ingredient brands can be divided into emotional and functional categories.

Diversifieringsmöjligheter och deras effekt på avkastning : en jämförande studie av etiska och traditionella fonder

Aim: Based on portfolio theory, which highlights diversification, and CSR, which describes the value of social and ethical responsibility of corporations, this study examines whether there is a difference in risk-adjusted performance between ethical and traditional mutual funds. Ethical funds are limited in their opportunities of diversification and should therefore be limited in their potential perfomance. On the other hand, a focus on social and ethical responsibility can be profitable.Method: The study uses a quantitative approach where we used 25 mutual fund in each category, ethical and conventional mutual funds. The mutual funds and their data has been obtained from www.morningstar.se and www.pensionmyndigheten.se. Historical performance between 2009-2013 were processed to obtain the Sharpe ratio and M2.

Etisk medvetenhet i systemutveckling. En fallstudie av systemutvecklarens ansvar i systemutvecklingsprojekt

Many professions, such as doctors and psychologists, have a long history of work practice which have resulted that these professions have created their own ethical guidelines. The IT profession, which can be viewed as a relative young and somewhat immature profession, have yet to accommodate any clear guidelines regarding ethics. It?s therefore imperative to create discussions regarding ethical actions to raise the ethical awareness and also create ethical guidelines. The development of the IT profession is moving forward at a quick pace and it?s important to understand that this rapid advancement is not only changing the profession but also changing the society and the environment.

Decision making and the role of empathy in animal ethics committees (AECs)

Ethical evaluation of scientific studies carried out using animals is legally mandated in many countries and has been so in Sweden for over three decades. The animal ethics committees (AECs) responsible for the task have however been subjected to criticism; common critique being that the wrong issues are discussed and that the ethical evaluation is thus incomplete, that there is a lack of coherence across committees and that the committees are not as democratic as they might appear. This study investigates the view of Swedish AEC members on a number of issues in order to shed some light on the mandate and functioning of the committees, and on the grounds for ongoing criticism. In a survey and interviews AEC members and other persons connected to the committees gave their views on the AEC task in relation to their roles, the ethical evaluation per se and whether or not emotions such as empathy play any part in it. There were significant differences found between AEC member categories and several issues were encountered, many of which have been stressed in previous studies.

Är etiska fondinvesteringar försvarbara : vad kostar etik?

Recently, the selections of ethical funds are increased; at the same time investors with social and moral preferences have increased in the capital market. There are currently debates on whether ethical funds perform better or worse than funds without ethical criteria. This also involves a vivid discussion on whether investors know about the consequences of investing in ethical funds. Therefore, this study involves theories about the rationality and decision theory, in addition to what mainly control the investment decisions. The study also discusses portfolio theory since this is one of the underlying theories behind fund management and its development.The purpose of this study is to explain if ethical limitations in the selection of securities affect risk and return in the fund portfolio.

Abort, en kvinnas fria val : En litteraturöversikt om sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av abortvård

Background: The abortion issue raises many ethical, moral and religious aspectsand is therefore well debated worldwide. In the care for an abortion seeking woman, it isimportant that the nurse find a balance between her and the woman's moral opinions aboutabortion in the quest to achieve good care.Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses? experiences of caring for womenundergoing abortion.Methods: Literature review based on ten original articles.Results: Literature review's results highlights two key themes: nurse?s experience of anemotional roller coaster as well as difficulties and challenging experiences at work inabortion care. These two themes consists of three subthemes: to get support in the workthrough to vent thoughts and feelings, how strain and stress affects the nurse's work and as anurse learn to accept the woman?s choice.Discussions: Within abortion care nurses find it difficult dealing with theemotional roller coaster that can occur while they strive to maintain an ethical andprofessional approach.

Gör jag rätt eller fel? : En systematisk litteraturstudie kring sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att medverka vid inducerade aborter.

Background: According to the Swedish Social Board induced abortions are increasing in the modern day society. Nurses who work with in the gynecological department can come across patients seeking care for an induced abortion.Theoretical framework: The findings of the study will be discussed in relation to Peplau's nursing theory, ethical concepts and nursing concepts.Aim: The aim of the literature review was to illuminate the experiences of nurses working with induced abortion.Method: A systematic literature review with an inductive approach was chosen. The findings are based on seven qualitative and two quantitative studies. The articles were assessed through two different modified templates based on qualitative or quantitative design.Findings: Nurses and midwives experienced their work with induced abortions as emotionally stressful. However, it was highlighted that all women have the right whether to choose abortion or to proceed with the pregnancy.

Konsten att skapa lojalitet : En undersökning om relationsskapande åtgärder i mindre tjänsteföretag

Today, there is no uniform definition of what an ethical fund is. Fund management companies choose themselves what they believe is ethical and not. The lack of the definition makes it difficult for consumers to understand why these funds are special compared to other funds. The purpose of this study is to examine three Swedish companies; KPA Pension, Swedbank Robur and Folksam, to obtain a clearer picture of the concept ethical funds and its definition. The study describes each company's view of Ethics and how they may affect other companies to work for a more sustainable world.

Brand i förorten : En studie av etiken i journalistiken

A great fire seized a suburb in a small town in Sweden in the autumn of 2011. Parts of a shopping mall were burnt to the ground by youngsters. Due to the suburb's earlier problems, the event was a tough ethical dilemma for the town's journalists.The purpose of this thesis was to study and examine the local newspapers ethical treatment of this event. How do they motivate their decisions on what to publish and what not to publish? How do the articles treat ethical dilemmas? What do the journalists think about ethical journalism?This study is based on a survey of the articles published about the fire in the two local newspapers seven days after the fire.

Etiska Fonder : - Ett steg mot en mer hållbar värld?

Today, there is no uniform definition of what an ethical fund is. Fund management companies choose themselves what they believe is ethical and not. The lack of the definition makes it difficult for consumers to understand why these funds are special compared to other funds. The purpose of this study is to examine three Swedish companies; KPA Pension, Swedbank Robur and Folksam, to obtain a clearer picture of the concept ethical funds and its definition. The study describes each company's view of Ethics and how they may affect other companies to work for a more sustainable world.

Hur ser uppföljningen ut för magsäcksopererade och upplever de ett behov av stöd och rehabilitering efter ingreppet?

Background: According to the Swedish Social Board induced abortions are increasing in the modern day society. Nurses who work with in the gynecological department can come across patients seeking care for an induced abortion.Theoretical framework: The findings of the study will be discussed in relation to Peplau's nursing theory, ethical concepts and nursing concepts.Aim: The aim of the literature review was to illuminate the experiences of nurses working with induced abortion.Method: A systematic literature review with an inductive approach was chosen. The findings are based on seven qualitative and two quantitative studies. The articles were assessed through two different modified templates based on qualitative or quantitative design.Findings: Nurses and midwives experienced their work with induced abortions as emotionally stressful. However, it was highlighted that all women have the right whether to choose abortion or to proceed with the pregnancy.

Utdelningar och utdelningspolicy i Sverige : En undersökning om utdelningar och utdelningspolicy bland de Svenska börsbolagen

The aim of this paper is to examine the capacity for ethical reasoning of Swedish certi-fied auditors in the five largest accounting firms in Stockholm, and also how ethics courses affect the auditors' ability to ethically statement. To calculate the auditors ability to ethical statement, questionnaire has been used. The questionnaire is based on a psychological instrument, the so-called Defining Issues Test. At the beginning of the questionnaire some questions are asked about the ethics courses. From the questionnaire a calculation was made of an average index called p-score (Principled score).

Vad styr den etiska fondefterfrågan? : Om vilka faktorer som som påvekar den etiska fondförmögenheten.

This paper examines what affects the demand for five Swedish ethical funds between the years 1997-2007. The purpose of this study is to examine if there is a relation between fund value and other values than just financial. This study examines if the number of conflicts in the world and the media?s coverage of the climate change debate could have an impact on the demand for ethical fund. A multiple linear regression shows that we don?t have a significant result from the examined variables except for household wealth.

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